Follow the steps to install this script on your server.
Note: Before installing the script, we recommend enabling SSL on the domain first.
4.1 Downloading the file
After you purchase this script, you will get a zip file. Download the zip file and extract it
in your computer. You will get the

4.2 Extracting the file
file in your server and exract it.
Once the extraction process is done, Remove
file from your server.

- If you upload and extract it in public_html folder, then visit in browser.
- If you upload and extract it in a folder in public_html folder, then visit in browser.
- If you upload and extract it in your created subdomain folder, then visit in browser.
- If you upload and extract it in a folder in your created subdomain folder, then visit in browser.
4.3 Installation Wizard
Open your domain URL in another tab. You will see the Installation page.
Note: If you're not getting this installation page, Please double check your server requirements and Installation steps once.

[ Click Check Requirements Button on this page. It will automatically check your server minimum requirements for this installation. ]
4.4 Checking Server Requirements

[ If you get any issues on this page. Then you need to enable the appropriate php extension on your server. Contact your hosting provider to enable php extensions. Once you get all done on this page, then let’s go for check permissions. ]
4.5 Checking Folder Permissions

[ Make sure your folders are readable and writable access (775). If it is not, check your mentioned folder permissions from your file manager. Change the permissions to 775. Simply, Open File Manager in your cPanel, Select “storage” Folder and Click Permissions and Give 775 to apply all subfolders. If you want to get more clarity, Please follow this following video tutorial ]
4.6 Configuration

You need to fill the following details on the displayed screen.
- Purchase code
- App Name
- App Environment
- Database Name
- Database User Name
- Database Password
Please make sure your following PHP.ini configurations
max_execution_time = 600
memory_limit = 512M
If you install in a local environment with the artisan command, the artisan server will restart when you try to install. You may get a connection lost screen for 2-3 seconds, so we recommend refreshing the page after 2-3 seconds.
For Live or local domain installation choose "Production"
Then, click on the "Install" Button.
4.7 Installation Success

That's it. Your installation is completed. Click on the exit button.

Live Website
Default Login Details :
Login URL:
Email: [email protected]
Password: admin@admin