How to integrate Google Sign-in?

Last update: 05/Nov/2024

1. Google Developer Console

First of all, Goto Google developer console and create a project.

2. Select OAuth Client ID

After creation of project. make sure that you've selected the created project. Goto credentials page Click on the create credentials and select OAuth ClientID.

google-signin Installation

3. Configure Consent Screen

Configure Consent Screen. Select Internal as User Type and External as Application Type. Then, click Save.

google-signin Installation

3. Get Client ID & Client Secret

Copy both the generated Client ID & Client Secret.

google-signin Installation

4. Add Redirect URI

Finally, add your domain URL in the Authorised redirect URIs box on the google credentials page. Also it must be end with /sign-in-with-google


Paste the Redirect URI in the field. Then, click Save.

google-signin Installation

5. Update ClientID and Client Secret via admin panel

Go to Settings -> General Settings -> Webtools and Google Configuration Settings and update your ClientID and Client Secret and keep your Google Auth Enable as ON click on update changes.

GoBiz Installation

6. Update ClientID and Client Secret via .env (Optional)

Login to your cpanel or any control panel and goto file manager. PROJECT-ROOT/.env you can find the .env file. Open the file and update the values and save it.

GoBiz Installation

7. No need of Google Sign-in (Optional)

Go to Settings -> General Settings -> Webtools and Google Configuration Settings and update your Google Auth Enable as OFF.

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